Nermin Haboush
A journalist survived Gaza's war.
The war broke out in my city "Gaza". As soon as dreams and hopes were dashed, a brutal war broke out, shedding blood and destroying in a way more than any previous war; which is the result of the enormous development that has been developed in the weapons used by Israel toward the Gaza Strip, the deadliest of which was the internationally banned phosphorus, which was poured on civilians ' heads like torrential rain.
This war is just like others… but more prolific blood
Despite what I stated previously, this war is just like others: bitter and violent, spiteful and stubborn.
Still, the waterfall of blood in it is more prolific. It also irrigates the land of the Gaza Strip, the theater of our childhood, the place where our ancestors had been living for a long while.
All international agreements requiring nations to respect the rights of all people, including children and the elderly, were undermined by this war.
No respect for human rights... nobody was given preference!
All of the rights that the states agreed to uphold in times of war and peace have been completely disregarded, particularly the moral guidelines for treating casualties and ensuring their access to medical care.
Nobody was given preference during the war, including older people, women, or children. The war machine started destroying everything that it came into contact with in a blind and horrifying manner as if it didn't want humanity to survive after it. It didn't give a damn about private property rights.
will the city be rebuilt and revived?
All social ties have been severed as a result of the war, and it is clear that everyone is looking for their neighbors—sometimes in schools or shelters, other times in mortuary refrigerators.
We are also able to imagine the familiar streets from times of peace and the buildings that once acted as markers for our precise location.
The city's landmarks have disappeared, and it has turned into a place full of death, fear, and destruction, so that a thousand simple questions are spinning around in our minds: will the city be rebuilt and revived?
There is nothing louder and truer than the crying of children
Children's cries are louder in the streets and alleys; we are aware that photographs show victims and groans as tragic news, but the world is silent.
The brutality of the Israeli airstrike's bombing, if it took place somewhere other than Gaza, is shameful; the world is passively watching the crimes on TV channels or via social media platforms.
As a witness to the lies and cheating practiced by the leadership of the war army and as a specialized journalist, I can judge that all the Israeli propaganda is false, and its purpose is to obtain the support of the world, its loyalty, and obedience, and you all have seen them shaking their heads and saying, Yes, sir.
An ongoing war with no morals!
As there is no longer a safe place in the Gaza Strip, the occupation disregarded the ethical principles of war, shattered and dismembered the bodies of children and women, and was not ashamed of its use of force against hospitals, children, women, and places of displacement.
What is regrettable and shameful is that the Israeli leadership's justifications for what is taking place in Gaza are quickly accepted by their allies and reported as unquestionable facts. The idea that "the justifications of an ally for an ally are a duty" supports these justifications if there is insufficient evidence to support them.
Has humanity lost all sense of reality? Or has everything gone away before my eyes?
It is the "Great War of 2023"—the massacre of humanity and childhood, and the murder of some consciences that ought to have survived... My eyes see this, and my pen and memory precisely record it.
Breaking news: A recent bombardment on the Gaza Strip resulted in the deaths of numerous victims and hurt members of the Haboush family …...the war is not over yet.