Trend Pyalara
PYALARA hosts the Minister of Communications and Information Technology Dr. Ishaq Sidr

The Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation- PYALARA hosted the Minister of Communications and Information Technology, Dr. Ishaq Sidr, who attended the "Palestine Challenge for the Internet of Things and Artificial Intelligence", which was organized by the founder of Al-Nayzak at the headquarters of "PYALARA" in the village of Jabaa, Jerusalem.
Where Mrs. Safaa Nasser Al-Din, Chairman of the Board of Directors of "PYALARA" and Mr. Hamdi Hamamra, the development manager accompanied the Minister on a tour of the digital village that PYALARA aims to establish in the old town.
In turn, Minister Sidr stressed the importance of media and information lieracy in enhancing media and digital awareness among citizens